Symptoms of Fatty Liver Disease and Ways to Improve It

Fatty Liver Disease
Fatty liver disease is common in Hong Kong. According to research, about 1 million people in Hong Kong suffer from fatty liver disease, ranking first in Asia. Fatty liver is a disease caused by excessive accumulation of fat in liver cells. Once fat accumulates in the liver for a long time, inflammation occurs very easily. Repeated inflammation, scarring, fibrosis and even cirrhosis may develop, and cause liver cancer in the worst case.

Causes of Fatty Liver Disease

Fatty liver is a benign liver disease. Modern diet is full of refined sugar. A diet high in oil, fat, and sugar is easily converted into triglycerides and accumulated in the liver. It is worth noting that obesity is not the only indicator of fatty liver. Even thin people may have excessive liver fat.
    ▪ Genetic inheritance
    ▪ Obesity
    ▪ Side effects of drugs
    ▪ Rapid weight loss
    ▪ Hyperlipidemia
    ▪ Diabetes

There are different stages of fatty liver disease

When the fat in the liver (the main component is triglyceride) exceeds 5% of the liver weight, it means that you have fatty liver. Fatty liver can be divided into three stages according to the accumulation index of fat:
Liver fat content 5-10%
Liver fat content 10-25%
Liver fat content above 25%

Symptoms of Fatty Liver Disease

Fatty liver disease has no clinical symptoms in most cases, and may only make people feel tired or mild abdominal pain. Therefore, it is hard to be discovered. Most people are diagnosed with fatty liver when an abnormal liver function in blood test or abnormal images shown on ultrasound. If fatty liver has already evolved into moderate or severe stage, there is a risk of developing liver function derangement or even liver cirrhosis, making treatment even more difficult. In view of this, routine prevention and regular physical examinations are very important!

How to treat fatty liver disease?

Currently, there is no medicine or surgery for fatty liver. However, improving lifestyle, especially weight control, is of great help in the prevention and control of fatty liver disease.


Both aerobic and anaerobic exercise can reduce the amount of fat in the liver. It is recommended to have at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise every week, which can effectively promote the consumption of body fat.


Research shows that the Mediterranean diet is also very effective in the control and prevention of fatty liver disease. The focus is to reduce the intake of high-fat red meat, and take more olive oil and fish and shellfish which are rich in monounsaturated fatty acid and polyunsaturated fatty acid, which can effectively reduce the accumulation of liver fat.

OMEGA-3 reduces liver fat ratio

Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid is beneficial to human body. It can resist inflammation and reduce the liver fat ratio. Clinical studies have found that 4 grams of fish oil per day can effectively lower total cholesterol, triglycerides, blood sugar, and fatty liver index. OMACOR® is the only omega-3 fatty acid drug approved by both FDA and EMA in the world. It contains 84% EPA and DHA, and can effectively lower triglycerides. Non-alcoholic fatty liver supplementation can reduce liver fat by 30%.
      ▪ Pharmaceutical grade formula of up to 84% concentration
      ▪ The only omega-3 fatty acid designated in Hong Kong for the treatment of hypertriglyceridemia
      ▪ Reliable source of production, no impurities and no additions
      ▪ The only omega-3 fatty acid drug approved by the US FDA and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) at the same time
      ▪ Single use can lower triglyceride levels by up to 50%
      ▪ OMACOR® can lower the risk of multiple cardiovascular diseases
Regular examinations to prevent cirrhosis due to fatty liver
There are no symptoms in the early stage of fatty liver disease. Therefore, regular liver examinations can effectively assess whether there is fatty liver and the percentage of fat in the liver. Early diagnosis can put the disease under control early and prevent it from developing into other more serious diseases.

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